Sunday, February 28, 2010

Being Real

One of the things that I desire to accomplish by having this blog is to be more real. I have found that it is so easy to go through life acting one way when really I am someone else on the inside. It is so easy to answer the question, "How are you?" with an ultra-fake, "Just fine."

I think a lot of people can relate to this. While I do not want to dump everything that may be on my mind to anyone who asks, I have found that I do need to let people know that I am weak, vulnerable, and make mistakes. There is nothing wrong with that. If I hide what/who I am because of what someone may think of me, then I am desiring to please men instead of God, which is a sin. I must be willing to be open and real with what is going on.

My husband and I are working with a new church plant in the Chicago area. It is SO refreshing to be around this small group of believers - because they are so real. The Lord has blessed us so far with the ability to share the struggles that we are going through and really be open with each other. At times I still struggle with this, but I can see some headway being made.

Isn't it neat when we do share our struggles and someone else is benefited by the fact that "someone else is going through the exact same thing"? It can be such a source of encouragement and help. I have seen that sometimes this is the exact reason that God gives us a struggle - so that we can comfort someone else.

So, as I write this blog, I desire to share my heart with you, the reader, who ever you may be. It is one way that I can be open and real. I hope that you will join me in this journey.

Have a wonderful Sunday in the Lord's house! I'm sure I will.


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